The Harris Foundation Visions


Making schools better to allow students thrive in a vibrant and dynamic environment

The Harris Foundation is a charity that focuses on making schools better to allow students thrive in a vibrant and dynamic environment. The charity is involved in a multitude of donating and fundraising campaigns that aim at endowing schools with modern supplies and quality learning resources. Such technologies as: computers, tablets, projectors and interactive whiteboards make the educational process easier, less boring and give students and teachers more opportunities for interacting with each other in a positive manner and generate fruitful results during lessons. Digital classes are considered more efficient as they allow students to visualize information and get simpler explanation of complex topics via funny and easy-to-understand animations.

The charity also aims at equipping as many classes as possible with digital textbooks and exercise books. This allows students avoid writing chunks of info by hand which takes a lot of time and slows down the learning process, while making it boring and tiresome. While the digitalization of schools is the primary goal of the Harris Foundation, it also orients on helping teachers and students master their computer skills via meaningful courses provided by highly-qualified professionals. On one hand, it ensures everyone in the class handles the gadgets properly and no one is left behind in the studying process.

Secondly, computer skills are crucial in receiving better job opportunities. The foundation is aware of the fiercely competitive job market and comes to help students with narrow access to technologies get to know them better and develop important skills so that they increase their chance of getting hired on a well-paid position. Moreover, the charity carries out courses for teachers, helping them adjust their teaching philosophy to the modern education requirements. They learn how to improve the communication with students, combining learning with fun for grasping their attention, and master digital skills to make the learning environment more vibrant, entertaining and high-quality.

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