The Harris Foundation Mission


Improve the lives of people, by aiding them in overcoming daily challenges and giving them more opportunities to grow as individuals and professionals.

The Harris Foundation’s main mission is to improve the lives of people, by aiding them in overcoming daily challenges and giving them more opportunities to grow as individuals and professionals. A field where charity is actively involved is education, where more and more children and students fail to receive full membership in a quality academic environment due to lack of funds and supplies. This problem is a serious matter of concern for the Harris Foundation, which makes a firm commitment to tackle education-related issues via charity. This piece talks you through the foundation’s activity, specifically the methods it uses to help disadvantaged people.


1. Fundraising

The foundation organizes fundraising campaigns aimed at collecting funds for providing underprivileged children with lifelong learning opportunities. The financial resources that are raised are invested in buying school kits, textbooks, computers, as well as paying the tuition fee for those who can’t afford. This is a huge step forward towards ensuring equal access to education for everybody.


2. Donations

The Harris Foundation is strongly devoted to its goal of providing access to education to as many children as possible. The charity uses generous donations to fill the gaps related to lack of supplies and access to academic resources that are crucial in making students perform better. The funds are channeled towards equipping classrooms with all tools needed for a meaningful and vibrant learning process, including: computers and interactive boards. Donating textbooks and other learning resources will also help students broaden their horizons and realize their potential to the fullest.


3. Computer skills courses

Computer skills are of utmost importance in today’s digitalized world. With them, a person has higher chance of getting a privileged job and advancing in career at an accelerated pace. But since modern gadgets are not the cheapest items, many schools fail to keep up with the expense of equipping classes with cutting-edge computers. The Harris Foundation comes to fill this gap by organizing computer skills courses for students who can’t benefit from them in their schools. By attending the courses, the students get to know computing technology closer and acquire skills that will help them perform better at work.


4. Career guidance

The charity is also concerned about students who fail to find a job after graduation. It organizes career guidance courses that aim at helping students identify their field of interest, get to know themselves better and create a good CV that increases their chance of being hired. The courses also inform students who have clear thoughts what career to pursue about all aspects of their future job, so that their expectations are not ruined in the first days of work.

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